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Create your sitemaps in just a few clicks!

The sitemap is the solution for directing Google's bot to crawl your site's strategic URLs. Remember, without a crawl, the search engine won't index your URLs and you won't stand a chance of ranking in the search results. Goodbye first positions 🥲.

SEO forecasting and EdgeSEO: converting forecasts into revenue

The SEO profession is a fascinating one. Not a week goes by without an evolution in Google's algorithms. And with the arrival of the #SGE, it's not going to slow down. Against this backdrop, SEO forecasting is emerging as an indispensable tool for marketing managers who need to manage their roadmap with data.
Photo: Mikhail Nilov on Pexels

SEO agencies: discover Bulk SEO and increase your customer value tenfold

Since presenting the roadmap to your customer, how many Google updates have you seen? Quite a lot, isn't it? And in the meantime, you've created numerous tickets... which have most certainly been left on stand-by... Much to your customer's dismay, who can't see the expected results!
Our teams on the EdgeSEO stand

SEOcamp'us, the meeting place for search marketing enthusiasts

Riddle me this: it's the flagship event of the "made in France" SEO scene. It took place on June 29 and 30 at the Palais des Congrès in Versailles. It brought together search marketing experts from all over France to share their common passion for SEO. A time for exchange and learning. I am, I am... SEOcamp'us of course! 😉 As Fasterize launched an EdgeSEO solution this year to help you roll out your roadmap, it was the perfect opportunity to meet the SEO community!

Regain control over your robots.txt file 

Are you familiar with the robots.txt file? If you're an SEO, the answer is a resounding yes! This file is probably the most powerful tool available to SEOs for controlling and guiding the many bots that crawl your site. Of course, the one we're most interested in is Google bot. Although Bing has recovered a little since the advent of ChatGPT, for most of you, Google is still the place to be. 
We test, we learn, we progress!

"Test & Learn" and SEO, the perfect combo!

Do you know the essential quality of a good SEO? Without a doubt, his curiosity and his ability to adopt a "Test & Learn" approach in his daily work. Olivier Andrieu, a young retiree from the SEO world, talks about it in this video: "SEO? Test and Learn". A minor change can have a major impact on your business. You just have to dare and be able to deploy this change. In this article we will see why this mindset is particularly adapted to the SEO profession. We will also answer the crucial question: how can you deploy your tests if you lack resources in your IT team?
Edge SEO

How does the concept of Edge SEO change the daily life of SEO professionals?

The concept of Edge SEO, popularized at the TechSEO Boost conference in 2018, is today too little exploited, although it represents many advantages. Its concept is simple enough to understand: it involves running code directly on the server of a CDN (Content Delivery Network). How does this concept change the daily life of SEO professionals? How to use it? How does it work in detail? Learn more about it!
Robots in SEO!

How can artificial intelligence help SEOs?

The beginning of this year was marked by the #ChatGTP tsunami. For better (or for worse), this service developed by the company OpenAI has flooded our social networks. Artificial intelligence represents an incredible opportunity to improve productivity in the search marketing sector where competition between sites to be first on Google is raging. The question that comes up a lot at the beginning of 2023: How to use artificial intelligence in 2023 in your SEO strategies?

How Edge technology helps you boost your SEO traffic

Optimize your SEO strategy with EdgeSEO, the solution that allows you to apply 100% of your roadmap. You will be autonomous and agile to deploy your actions and implement a "Test & Learn" approach to crack Google's algorithm. No more frustrations related to the limitations of your CMS and resource problems, you can now focus on the sustainable traffic generated by your SEO strategy.