
How can artificial intelligence help SEOs?

Robots in SEO!
Robots in SEO!
Ant Rozetsky

The beginning of this year was marked by the #ChatGTP tsunami. For better (or for worse), this service developed by the company OpenAI has flooded our social networks. Artificial intelligence represents an incredible opportunity to improve productivity in the search marketing sector where competition between sites to be first on Google is raging. The question that comes up a lot at the beginning of 2023: How to use artificial intelligence in 2023 in your SEO strategies? Don't forget that ChatGPT is only a tool based on GTP-3, and that there is a multitude of solutions based on AI that will be able to help you on specific topics.

Should you use AI to write content?

Text generation has always played a central role in natural referencing. In a few years, we have gone from generating "textual mush" from scrapped content on the web to developing the profession of web editor. Not too surprisingly, ChatGPT represents a great opportunity to create content without effort, launching at the same time a debate on the end of the web writing profession. It's worth noting that text generation tools have already been around for a few years without creating more controversy. But then, is it a good idea to bet everything on content generation with AI?

Without much surprise, it is very easy for an algorithm to identify text written by an artificial intelligence. By the way, you can test Vincent Terassi's tool that allows to validate if the text comes from chatGTP. You can imagine that for search engines like Google, Bing and others it will also be very easy to identify and filter them. Moreover, as Philippe Yonnet explains in this blog post, there is a risk that generative AIs pollute the web and at the same time the search results in the Google result pages. It's the snake that bites its tail and Google will not want to kill its golden goose.

Yes, artificial intelligence allows you to create a very large volume of content in a very short period of time and at a very low cost. However, beware because AI can never replace human creativity and will probably lead to a decrease in the quality of your content. Moreover, a factor not to be neglected is that AI can make mistakes and make you lose all credibility with your readers.

Artificial intelligence can be a great tool to accompany web writers in their daily mission to find ideas, structure content but it should not replace a beautiful pen! Except maybe if you aim for the short term 😉

How can AI help SEOs in their daily work?

Beyond article writing, artificial intelligence can accompany SEOs on other missions. I'll give you three examples below but there are as many as your creativity will be able to come up with (and if not, maybe ask ChatGPT 😉 ) :

Determine the keywords to target. With the AI, you can for example ask him the 10 keywords associated with a specific theme. This allows you to have a first overview of the requests on which you must position yourself.

Organize your keywords by search type. You can organize your keywords by search intent: informational, transactional and ask it to format them in csv.

Create a Mindmap. You can send the mermaidJS format and ask to create a mindmap on a theme. It stays on the first two levels but nothing prevents you from going further. You see where I'm going with this. The first step to build your semantic cocoon.

The field of possibilities is vast. But if you are in need of inspiration, you will find many articles, trainings or post on Linkedin that explain how to use ChatGPT in a smart way. Group keywords in clusters, describe the search intent of a list of queries, generate the outline of an article, generate a regular expression. You'll find 31 examples of prompts to use with ChatGPT in this WebRankInfo article. You will also discover in this training that with this little bot, you can generate csv files and the syntax of a prompt to do spinning. No doubt that the SEO community will continue to explore the possibilities of AI and that use cases will continue to flourish on the web. Again, keep in mind that there is not only ChatGPT.

One question, one debate: Is AI intelligent?

To this question, here is ChatGTP's answer. "The answer to this question is subjective, as there is no clear and universally accepted definition of what intelligence is. Some people consider intelligent systems to replicate human cognitive abilities such as the ability to understand language, learn and solve problems. Others argue that artificial intelligence is limited and cannot support truly intelligent conversation or truly intelligent behavior."

In this article by Christophe Bernard, Artificial Intelligence: realities and preconceptions, many actors who work in this field question many beliefs about AI. To quote only Yann Le Cun, VP & Chief AI Scientist of Facebook, "Contrary to popular belief about AI, researchers are decades away from understanding how to build a machine with this famous general intelligence. Not only are we a long way from it, we have absolutely no idea how to do it. " AI makes us think it understands something about our research intentions, but in reality it's just processing information to render it.

In order to broaden the thinking around generative AI, I recommend you to read Fred Cavazza's article The generative AI revolution will not happen (or not as they try to sell it to us). This analysis tells us that "generative models are not miracle solutions capable of solving all problems, only processing software with a large database ". The term artificial intelligence is definitely ambiguous and should be replaced by augmented intelligence.

In conclusion, AI will have an impact on the SEO profession by providing them with a new arsenal of tools to optimize their daily work. Companies will have to equip themselves with solutions to support their SEO teams and be attentive to the numerous information around the subject. As always in SEO, you will have to do your own tests! Whether it is artificial intelligence in the creation of texts, site optimization, analysis of your competitors or predictive ranking algorithms, the features will be multiple. In addition, we have already seen the rise of tools that embed AI coupled with machine learning algorithms. It is likely that this trend will accelerate in the years to come. However, keep in mind thatthese are only tools that are meant to help you be more efficient and productive in your work. The reflection, the strategy, the intelligence, they will always be the responsibility of the human being. Isn't that right!

I'll leave you to ponder this. At Fasterize, we are thinking about how to implement AI in our EdgeSEO product. By the way, if you have any ideas, you can contact me to discuss them(

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Curious, creative and enthusiastic, Romain fought for a few years in the "Employment" SERPs. SEO is above all a sector he is passionate about! Product manager, he participates in the development of the EdgeSEO product at Fasterize ⚡️.

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