
Getting started with EdgeSEO

Wow, here we are! Take a deep breath 🧘, let's guide you into the wonderful world of EdgeSEO. Through a few simple examples, we'll show you how to deploy your first SEO recommendations.

Let's start by manipulating Bulk applications

Avant de commencer, nous vous recommandons de lire le tutoriel sur le plugin Fasterize.

🏆 Challenge 1 : Modification de la balise <title> sur une URL

[ 🎥 video coming soon]

  1. Click on the "File" menu, then "Create a copy" of the Bulk template.
  2. Go to the BULK SEO tab
  1. Dans la première colonne <url>, ajouter une URL sur laquelle nous allons modifier la balise <title>
  2. Dans la colonne <title>, ajouter le contenu de votre titre. Exemple : 😍 Trop cool le EdgeSEO !
  3. Export Bulk SEO file to CSV
  4. Go to the EdgeSEO console
  5. Click on the Bulk SEO application
  6. Upload your exported CSV file
  7. Click on the "deploy" button
  8. ... wait a few seconds ⏱️
  9. Go to the URL to see the modification

👉 Discover the "Bulk SEO" application documentation

🏆 Challenge 2: Set up a 301 redirect

[ 🎥 video coming soon]

  1. Open the Bulk template
  2. Go to the BULK redirection tab
  3. Dans la colonne <source>, ajouter une URL que vous souhaitez rediriger. Exemple :
  4. Dans la colonne <destination>, ajouter l’URL de destination. Exemple :
  5. Dans la colonne <code>, ajouter le code de redirection 301
  6. Export Bulk SEO file to CSV
  7. Go to the EdgeSEO console
  8. Click on the Bulk Redirection application
  9. Upload your exported CSV file
  10. Click on the "deploy" button
  11. ... wait a few seconds ⏱️
  12. Renseignez l’URL <source> dans votre navigateur, vous êtes redirigés vers l’URL de <destination>

👉 Discover the full documentation of the "Bulk Redirection" application.

🏆 Challenge 3: Rewrite a URL

[ 🎥 video coming soon]

  1. Open the Bulk template
  2. Go to the BULK URL Rewriting tab
  3. Dans la colonne <url-source>, ajouter une URL que vous souhaitez réécrire. Exemple :
  4. Dans la colonne <url-rewrite>, ajouter l’URL réécrite. Exemple :
  5. Dans la colonne <feature-rewrite>, ajouter « Y » pour activer l’option de réécriture et « N » dans les colonnes <feature-replace-url> et <feature-redirection> pour ne pas activer les options.
  6. Export Bulk SEO file to CSV
  7. Go to the EdgeSEO console
  8. Click on the "Bulk URL Rewriting" application
  9. Upload your exported CSV file
  10. Click on the "deploy" button
  11. ... wait a few seconds ⏱️
  12. Renseignez l’URL <url-rewrite> dans votre navigateur, vous avez accès à l’URL

👉 Discover the full documentation of the "Bulk URL Rewriting" application.

Discover SEO Recommendation

[ 🎥 video coming soon]

  1. Go to the EdgeSEO console
  2. Click on the "SEO Recommendation" application
  3. Name your recommendation in the "Modify meta-robots tag" field
  4. Click on the "Next step" button
  5. Click on the "Create my target" button, then select "Query URL".
  6. Copy and paste a URL from your site that you wish to modify.
  7. Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard to take the URL into account.
  8. Click on the "Next step" button
  9. Sélectionnez la recette « Balise <meta robots> »
  10. Check the "noindex" and "nofollow" options
  11. Click on the "Save this rule" button
  12. Click on the "Save recommendation" button
  13. ... wait a few seconds ⏱️
  14. Rendez-vous sur l’URL pour voir la modification de la balise <meta-robots>

👉 Discover the complete documentation of the "SEO Recommendation" application.

We finish with robots.txt and sitemap

🏆 Challenge 5: Add a chat to your robots.txt

[ 🎥 video coming soon]

  1. Go to the EdgeSEO console
  2. Click on the "robots.txt" application
  3. Copy and paste the contents of your robots.txt file into the field. You can access it here:
  4. Copy and paste the following code:

# /\\_/\\\ #
# / o o \\\ #
# ( " ) #
# \\~(*)~/ #
# / \\\ #

  1. Activate the toogle in the upper right-hand corner
  2. Click on the "Save your robots.txt file" button
  3. ... wait a few seconds ⏱️

👉 Discover the full documentation of the "Robots.txt" application.

🏆 Challenge 6: Add a sitemap.xml to your site

[ 🎥 video coming soon]

  1. Go to the EdgeSEO console
  2. Click on the "Sitemap" application
  3. Click on the "Add a sitemap" button
  4. Enter the name of your sitemap in the "File name" field. Example: my-sitemap.xml
  5. Copy and paste the code below into the "content" field:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><!--Generated by Screaming Frog SEO Spider 19.8-->
<urlset xmlns="<>">

  1. Click on the save button
  2. Click on the name of your sitemap to view it

👉 Discover the full documentation of the "Sitemap" application