
Open up your faceted pages to indexing

Faceted pages (category pages + filters) represent an opportunity to increase your keyword coverage in search results. They enable you to target search intents such as "product + brand", "product + technical feature". However, this strategy is not easy to deploy with traditional CMS. In this tutorial 🎓 we'll show you how to open up your faceted pages for indexing.

Why flush the cache?

Level: Expert.
Applications used : Bulk URL Rewriting / Bulk SEO / Sitemap

Let's take a case study that will accompany us throughout this use case.

On our e-commerce site, we have a "t-shirt" category page with filters for colors and sizes.
We've identified that the search intent "white t-shirt XL" has an interesting search volume, but I don't have a page to position myself on it.

Step 1: Rewrite faceted page URLs

[🎥 video coming soon]

The first step is to rewrite the URL of faceted pages using the "Bulk URL Rewriting" application.

For example, this URL corresponds to a T-shirt category page with white color and XL size filters.

We want to rewrite it in

  1. Go to the EdgeSEO console
  2. Click on the "Bulk URL Rewriting" application
  3. Download the Bulk template or get the one you're already using
  4. Go to the " BULK URL REWRITING " tab
  5. Dans la colonne <url-source>, ajoutez l’URL que vous souhaitez réécrire.
  6. Dans la colonne <url-rewrite>, ajoutez l’URL telle que vous souhaitez la réécrire.
  7. Dans la colonne <feature-rewrite>, ajoutez « Y » pour activer l’option de réécriture.
  8. Dans la colonne <feature-replace-url>, ajoutez « N » pour ne pas activer le remplacement de l’URL source par l’URL réécrite dans vos balises <a href="">.
  9. Dans la colonne <feature-redirection>, ajoutez « N » pour ne pas activer la redirection de l’URL source vers l’URL réécrite.
  10. Example:
    1. <url-source> :
    2. <url-rewrite> :
    3. <feature-rewrite> : Y
    4. <feature-replace-url> : N
    5. <feature-redirection> : N
  11. Export the BULK URL REWRITING tab of your Google Sheet as a CSV file
  12. Upload your CSV file to the Bulk URL Rewriting application
  13. Click on the "deploy" button
  14. ... wait a few seconds ⏱️
  15. Go to the rewritten URL to validate that you are accessing it correctly

👉 Discover the documentation for the "Bulk URL Rewriting" application

Step 2: SEO optimization of the rewritten page

[🎥 video coming soon]

The second step is to optimize the rewritten URL with the "Bulk SEO" application.

Nous allons optimiser les balises <title>, <meta-description>, <canonical>, <meta-robots>, ajouter un texte SEO et renseigner les données structurées sur notre nouvelle URL afin de nous positionner sur le mot-clé cible : « T-shirt blanc XL ».

  1. Click on the "Bulk SEO" application
  2. Download the Bulk template or get the one you're already using
  3. Go to the " BULK SEO " tab
  4. Dans la colonne <url>, ajoutez l’URL réécrite de l’étape 1.
  5. Dans la colonne <title>, ajoutez le contenu de votre nouveau titre.
  6. Dans la colonne <meta-description>, ajoutez le contenu de votre nouvelle meta description.
  7. Dans la colonne <canonical>, ajoutez l’URL réécrite de l’étape 1.
  8. You can also set other columns.
  9. Example:
    1. <url> :
    2. <title> XL white T-shirt
    3. <meta-description> XL white T-shirt, in quality cotton, loose-fitting and comfortable. Ideal for all occasions, this timeless basic is the perfect complement to your wardrobe.
    4. <canonical> :
    5. etc.
  10. Export the BULK SEO tab of your Google Sheet as a CSV file
  11. Upload your CSV file to the Bulk SEO application
  12. Click on the "deploy" button
  13. ... wait a few seconds ⏱️
  14. Go to the rewritten URL to confirm that your changes have been applied correctly.

👉 Discover the "Bulk SEO" application documentation

Step 3: Mesh the faceted page

[🎥 video coming soon]

The third step is to mesh your faceted pages with the "Bulk SEO" application.

We'll add a link to access the rewritten URL on the home page of the category without facets.

  1. Click on the "Bulk SEO" application
  2. Download the Bulk template or get the one you're already using
  3. Go to the " BULK SEO " tab
  4. Dans la colonne <url>, ajoutez le lien de la page sur laquelle vous souhaitez ajouter le lien vers la nouvelle page réécrite.
  5. Dans la colonne <html-target>, ajoutez l’emplacement dans la page où vous souhaitez ajouter le lien.
  6. Dans la colonne <html-content>, ajoutez le code <html> de votre lien.
  7. Example:
    1. <url> :
    2. <html-target> prepend_inside div.maClass
    3. <html-content> : <a href="" title="T-shirt blanc XL">T-shirt blanc XL</a>
  8. Export the BULK SEO tab of your Google Sheet as a CSV file
  9. Upload your CSV file to the Bulk SEO application
  10. Click on the "deploy" button
  11. ... wait a few seconds ⏱️
  12. Go to the URL to confirm that the link has been added to the page

👉 Discover the "Bulk SEO" application documentation

Step 4: Submit the faceted URL in a sitemap

The final step is to create a sitemap.

We're going to create a sitemap and submit it to Search Console to "try" to speed up the indexing of new URLs.

  1. Go to the EdgeSEO console
  2. Click on the "Sitemap" application
  3. Create a new sitemap and add XML content with your new URLs
  4. Retrieve the URL from the Sitemap application and submit it to Google Search Console

👉 Discover the "Bulk SEO" application documentation

That's it, we've seen in this tutorial how to open faceted pages for indexing.

This is a simple example to show you the steps to follow and the applications to use.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.